The Atlantes Global Observatory of Palliative Care, based at the University of Navarra in Spain, is a WHO Collaborating Centre with the specific mandate of monitoring and assessing the global development of palliative care.

Reliable data can help to inform the development of palliative care services and resource allocation. It is also a useful tool for those advocating for services. Good data allows us to look at a clearer picture of global needs and challenges, such as any inequity in provision.

True Colours is funding a researcher post at Atlantes. The researcher will be responsible for collecting, analysing, documenting and sharing an assessment of palliative care development across Africa. The WHO palliative care indicators will be used to provide a standardised record of the situation in all African countries.

We hope that the research findings will be useful as we seek to better understand the delivery of palliative care on the ground and how it might be further developed across Africa.

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