
Safeguarding Policy

The True Colours Trust recognises that the safeguarding of children and adults at risk (of harm and abuse) is a serious matter.

Trustees and staff

The True Colours Trust is one of 16 different independent grant-making trusts established by members of three generations of the Sainsbury family, known jointly as the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts.

Given the nature of our work it is highly unlikely that any member of staff or trustee would have direct and unsupervised contact with a child or adult at risk, but we recognise our responsibility for promoting best practice with regards to safeguarding:

  • Staff and trustees will ensure they are accompanied by a parent or responsible adult when they come into contact with children or adults at risk in the course of their duties.
  • Staff and trustees who come into regular contact with children or adults at risk which is more than incidental or fleeting will have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS, formerly CRB) check completed for their work on behalf of the Trust.
  • Staff and trustees will operate according to the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trust’s safeguarding policy

SFCT safeguarding policy March 2023 (13 page Word document)

Applicants and grant holders

Before a grant is approved for any organisation which works with children or adults at risk, it must demonstrate that it has a current Safeguarding Policy in place. This should ideally include:

  • A named senior manager and/or trustee with responsibility for safeguarding in their organisations. Evidence also that staff, volunteers, and clients are made aware of who the manager is and how they can contact them.
  • Evidence that procedures are in place to conduct Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) checks on staff and volunteers in the UK. Evidence also that there are procedures to refresh DBS or PVG checks for relevant staff at reasonable intervals.
  • Clear, step-by-step guidance on what action to take if there are concerns about a child’s or adult at risk's safety or welfare.
  • Evidence that all staff who have contact with children and young people have access to child protection/safeguarding training at an appropriate level. Also, evidence that there is a reporting procedure in place and that staff are confident and trained in its use.
  • A clear statement of the consequences of breaking the policy linked to organisational disciplinary procedures.
  • All grant holders are required to agree that they will report any safeguarding or quality issue which arises within their services during the course of the grant. Any safeguarding concerns raised with us will be passed to the SFCT Chief Executive Officer who will ensure that these concerns are communicated to the relevant authorities.

Safeguarding contacts

If you have a safeguarding concern about an organisation we fund, you may report this to us at: info@truecolourstrust.org.uk

If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff or trustee, you may report this at: safeguarding@sfct.org.uk

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

The True Colours Trust is one of 16 different independent grant-making trusts established by members of three generations of the Sainsbury family. Each trust is an independent legal entity with its own separate and autonomous board of trustees.

The True Colours Trust is registered as a data controller with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office.

Our Privacy Policy is available to download here.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We believe that our funding has a role in addressing inequality and supporting a fairer society. We always aim to be responsive and equitable grant-makers. It is important to us that a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion is core to our team of employees, and central to our grant-making.

We will continue to work to achieve this goal and are dedicating the time and resources needed to do so. We will continue to talk with and listen closely to those we support as we move forward.


Thank you for your interest in our UK Small Grants programme.

This programme is designed to support excellent local organisations and projects that work with:

  • disabled children and young people;
  • children and young people with life-limiting conditions;
  • and their families.

It provides grants of up to £10,000, although many grants are smaller than this.

Young boy laughing during a school sensory storytelling session

The programme is open to applications at any time. We aim to respond to your application with a final decision within six weeks.

We aim to support as many organisations as possible, and therefore are unlikely to fund any organisation in consecutive years. If you are successful in receiving a grant, please wait at least a year after the completion of your project before reapplying.

If you are unsuccessful, we also ask that you wait at least one year from the date of your application before reapplying.

Young boy laughing during a school sensory storytelling session